Scoliosis is a condition that causes your spine to curve sideways. It usually occurs in children, during the growth spurt right before puberty. In fact, approximately three percent of adolescents have scoliosis. The exact cause of scoliosis is unknown, though conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy can make it worse. 

The majority of cases are diagnosed in children and usually fairly mild. However, if left untreated it can progress to a greater level of severity. At Advanced Spine and Pain, your health is our greatest priority. That’s why we’ve compiled this helpful guide to scoliosis and the importance of detecting and treating it early.

Symptoms of scoliosis 

Some early indicators of scoliosis include:

  • Uneven shoulders
  • Crooked waist
  • Lopsided hips
  • Mismatched shoulder blades

You may also notice a rotated or twisted spine. Your spine might also curve from side to side, which can make the ribs on one side of your body stick out more than the other. Sometimes, changes caused by scoliosis are so gradual that you don’t notice anything at all.

While both sexes can develop scoliosis, adolescent girls are more at risk. Scoliosis can also potentially run in families, however, most children who develop scoliosis don’t have a family history.

Why it’s important to catch scoliosis early 

Scoliosis is a disease that can progress if left untreated. Part of the treatment includes close monitoring through X-rays to ensure the disease doesn’t worsen.

A 20-year study found that 40 percent of adults with scoliosis had their disease progress, with 10 percent displaying a significant worsening, and 30 percent displaying a mild worsening.

When scoliosis progresses and your spine becomes more curved this places a strain on your spine and spinal nerves. Your spine can narrow, thereby pinching your nerves and keeping them from functioning properly while causing pain and discomfort.  

The spine curvature that comes with scoliosis can also cause severe problems. It can progress to a point where it damages your lungs and heart, making it hard for you to breath and for your heart to pump blood throughout your body.

Prevent and treat scoliosis today

At Advanced Spine and Pain, we’re specialists in treating scoliosis. We’ll determine if you have the condition and measure its progression if you do. We can use mild treatment options like braces or, if the problem has progressed enough, we can discuss surgical options with you. 

Don’t let this mild condition progress to a debilitating level. Conveniently schedule an appointment right through our patient portal today.


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