The opioid crisis has devastated America and statistics bear this out. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 128 individuals died every day in 2018 after overdosing on opioids — nearly 47,000 dearly loved parents, sisters, brothers, childrens, and friends.
If you’re struggling with opioid addiction and have decided to seek help, the caring team at Advanced Spine and Pain can help.
Dr. Thomas Raley, Dr. Alfred Correa, Dr. Brian Lee, and Dr. Randy Davis deliver advanced care with great compassion and no judgement. We’re devoted to supporting you with safe, effective treatments and meaningful support throughout your healing journey.
The devastation of opioid dependence
Highly addictive opioids were prescribed for years, as manufacturers assured both patients and physicians that they were safe. It turns out that they were not, and before the United States knew it, we had a scourge on our hands.
We’re dedicated to helping patients get off the relapse rollercoaster, and we’ve embraced a recovery program that addresses you body, mind, and soul.
A revolutionary recovery tool
We can’t stress enough that how you recover from opioid addiction will be a path unique to you and only you. That’s why our team is always focused on learning all we can about your personal story of opioid use, your medical history, including injuries and surgeries, and where you are now.
BioCorRxⓇ is a multi-pronged approach to recovery that enlists the FDA-approved medication naltrexone, which is completely nonaddictive, yet enables you to wean yourself from opioid cravings. Instead, you get to spend your time focused on recovery.
Naltrexone is actually implanted subcutaneously (under your skin) in your abdominal area, so there’s no needing to remember to take a pill or other traditionally administered medication.
The implant model allows you to receive gradual, steady doses of naltrexone over a few months, so the medication experience isn’t agitating in the least, and you can concentrate on establishing new patterns and remaining mindful in recovery.
What is receiving BioCorRx treatment like?
It’s surprisingly uncomplicated and easy. Your Advanced Spine and Pain physician gives you a local anesthetic to number the spot in your abdomen where your implant is placed, and after about half-an-hour, you’re done — and there are no side effects.
Aftercare couldn’t be simpler. The day you receive your BioCorRx implant, you can re-enter normal life because it’s minimally invasive. You come back to see us weekly so we can check on your wellbeing and make sure everything is as it should be with the implant.
Ideally, BioCorRx treatment should go hand in hand with cognitive behavioral therapy, a 12-Step program, or other complementary recovery tool. We know that each person’s recovery process is unique, but BioCorRx should be the common denominator, because it fuels success.
Recovery is possible, and with BioCorRx, it’s also probable
Call our office to schedule a consultation to see if BioCorRx could be right for you, or book an appointment online with any one of our seven offices in Virginia and Maryland.