Preventing chronic pain what you can do today

Preventing chronic pain what you can do today

Millions of adults in the United States suffer from chronic pain. Living with pain every day can be frustrating, debilitating, and affect the quality of your life. The doctors and pain management specialists at Advanced…

Best stretches for hip pain

Best stretches for hip pain

Sitting, arthritis, injuries, bursitis, and sciatica are just a few of the reasons your hips may ache or cause daily discomfort. The orthopedic and pain management specialists at Advanced Spine and Pain with locations in…

10 tips to help prevent osteoporosis

10 tips to help prevent osteoporosis

Low bone mass and osteoporosis affects more than 40 million Americans age 50 and over. Many factors influence your risk for osteoporosis, some of which are outside of your control, such as age and genetics….

Will a herniated disc heal on its own

Will a herniated disc heal on its own

Learning you have a herniated disc can trigger a lot of questions, including whether or not you’ll need surgery. You may even wonder if a herniated disc can heal on its own. The answer is…

Lifestyle changes to prevent lower back pain

Lifestyle changes to prevent lower back pain

At any given point, 31 million Americans are suffering from lower back pain. Your lower back moves in six different directions, making it mobile and flexible, but also quite vulnerable to injury. This doesn’t mean…

What are ketamine infusions

What are ketamine infusions

Millions of Americans experience chronic pain, which is defined as pain that lasts for months or even years. Two of the most common sources of chronic pain are the back and neck — in fact,…

How an epidural steroid injection can help treat pain

How an epidural steroid injection can help treat pain

What to Expect with an Epidural Injection ESI is often recommended in combination with a comprehensive rehabilitation program, like physical therapy or home exercise, to help restore strength and core musculature to prevent future pain…

5 benefits of stem cell therapy

5 benefits of stem cell therapy

If you can’t entertain the idea of undergoing reconstructive surgery to provide relief for your chronic condition, you’ll be glad to know that the benefits associated with stem cell therapy have increased considerably in recent…